Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 2 blog

Please provide an informal outline (subject to change) for essay/assignment two here.


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...


Why spanking should be part of discipline?

I. Introduction
II. Culture, morals, and Ethical backgrounds
III. discipline, self-discipline, how to behave
IIII. Adolescent Behavior
V. Conclusion

Dale Livingston said...

Why our troops should they in Iraq

II.What happens when someone does not help.
III. History of Wars
IV. More Attacks on Our Country
V. Conclusion

JayC said...

Video game violence controversy

Does violence in video games cause violent tendencies in the players? Ultimately, no.

I. Intro
II. Brief video game violence history
III. Examples of video games becoming the scapegoat for violent acts
IV. Possible real causes of violence in individuals
V. Conclusion

Christopher W said...

File Sharing on the Internet...

What you need to know about file sharing and why it can be dangerous.

I. Introduction
II. What file sharing really involves
III. Music, Movies and Games
IV. Legal and Illegal (Files)
V. Conclusion

kerridorich said...

Why we all should become vegetarians

I. introduction
II. insight on animal cruelty
III. enthic and animal rights
IIII. environment

Tiffany said...

I. Introduction
II. Adolescent behavior
III. Teen pregnancy statistics
iV. how birth control can make a difference
V. Conclusion

CRymarczuk said...

Giving birth control to teenagers

I. Introduction
II. Sex education
III. Teenagers behavior today
IV. Teen Pregnancy
IIV. Consequences
Uses of birth control

Bryan Wagner said...

Reinstating the military draft.

I. Introduction
II. Do we need a draft
III. Why we don't have a draft
IV. Why a draft is not a good thing.
V. Conclusion

Lennoxdrick said...

Giving Birth control to teenagers

I. Introduction
II. Why we should give them.
II. Why we should not give them.
III. Statics
IV. Conclusion