Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 4 blog

Please argue for or against one of the following topics (or place yourself somewhere in between, in Rogerian style)in a roughly one-page (if it were double-spaced) essay:

nationalized health care
the death penalty
legalizing marijuana
a required license and requisite classes for all new parents
quotas on allowable gas/oil consumption for each citizen in the United States
laptops included in tution for all ECPI students
Barak Obama for president
John McCain for president
Hillary Clinton for Vice-President
the decline of American power
nationalized education through college and beyond


Melissa said...

I am for the death penalty depending on the type of crime's someone goes out and robes a store and kills someone in the process, they should be sentenced to death. They know the laws and should be punished for their actions. Several reasons I think should get the death penalty are: drunk driving and kills the other motorist, robbery, dislike someone for dating their ex-girlfriend, and possibly using drugs, gangs, and anything that a person does to kill someone, especially a police officer. If your house was being robbed while your home and you defend yourself and others, then no it would be self defense and not death penalty. There is lots of opinion's on this subject, different situations will depend on the outcome. Old cases that are on the death penality need to be reopened and use DNA for clearity.

CRymarczuk said...

I am for the death penalty. I strongly feel that if someone commits murder of a crime of an equal degree i believe that person deserves the death penalty. Having someone sitting in jail is just a waste of man power and money. The person can just be executed then there will be more room for other criminals. The only problem I have with the death penalty is how some people are being accused of crimes and being put in jail for something they didn't do. It would be horrible to execute someone for a crime they haven't committed. Every now and then I hear on the news how some innocent person is being released from jail due to DNA testing proving that they didn't commit the crime. What if that person was sentenced to death? That would cause a lot of controversy in the courts and in public.

Tiffany said...

i believe we should adopt Nationalized healthcare just like other industrialized countries already have done. Currently there are 50 million americans that are living without healthcare in the united States. I think if we had socialized healthcare here in the U.S businesses would have more money to give people raises and hire more people. Instead they are dishing out thousands of dollars for high premiums. The flip side to this is many people believe that americans would receive lower standards of care is hospitals, doctors offices, etc. because universal healthcare would mean that doctors and nurses would be paid less money. With all the debates about this topic i believe we should just try something new that seems to be working well in other industrialized countries because what we are currently doing just doesn't seem to be working anymore for us americans.

JayC said...

Many believe that education through college and beyond should be nationalized. It seems to me that there are people working low wage jobs that could find success in an actual career; the only problem is these people don't have the cash needed for tuition. If higher education was nationalized, then these underprivileged workers could create better lives for their children. Nationalizing would also help lift the strain from the wallets of people already in college or above. Even though there are scholarships and other forms of financial aid available, the "rewards" are often too small, there is not enough of each to go around, they must be paid back later, or they are too difficult to get. However, I can see where someone would find flaws to "adding higher education to the public school system". One problem to this plan is a raise in taxes. If this plan was followed through, the cash that was usually paid by the students would have to come from someplace else: taxes. Another flaw to nationalizing school from college to beyond is that some people would take advantage of this situation. One of the motivational factors to college is that your own money has been invested into furthering your education. If college was free, then some students would use this as a chance to "slack off", as in high school. I believe that both sides to this concept have valid points, but I believe in nationalized education through college and beyond. Of course, I may not be the best person to say whether or not this concept should be carried out, as I am in college and I am feeling the strain on my wallet.

Christopher W said...

Laptops Included in Tuition.

This to me just makes way to much sense. Including the cost of a Laptop in Tuition would help many students. Some students do not have the extra money to purchase a laptop in addition to their bills and daily obligations. I myself would like a laptop for school. I do not currently have a laptop, however, I am trying to purchase a laptop using my additional financial aide money so I can purchase one. If ECPI would include a laptop, this would alleviate a whole slew of trouble, especially with what I have put up with so far.

Lennoxdrick said...

Putting laptops into the tuition would help the students, because most students have other things that they haave to do and take care of so they might not have they might not have the money to afford a laptop. So if this was added to the tuition it could really help out the students. Most of the classes will require to do most of the work at home and some students may not have a updated computer or a very good functional one, so by adding the laptop the student can have the proper software and programs they need on the laptop to what they need to do at home.

Snoozer said...

Implement of nationalized education dose have its good and bad points, which has many out comes in many areas of society. Touching on the advantages it allows for a universal access to education with out the worry of issues such as funding which would be regulated by the government. Eventually being funded through taxes, and theoretical all education would be of equal quality.
We could instate privatized education having government education regulation, but run on the schools terms. They would be funded privately though the public and private donations. Able to compete in terms of quality, best students, and faculty, competing to have more funding. This can this funding can boost your education standards to be the best. Over all keeping over regulation down, so that the institution can be more specific on what they want to focus on in their education system
With such a program you lose competition or the idea of commercial competition which can the lead to the drop of educational standards. And being regulated by the government can possible lead to educational censorship of can what is taught in the school. This can prohibit those that excel from moving forward; instead they are forced wait for others to catch up. The government budget would be in great strain on the finical level and some institutions could suffer from insufficient funding if spend is stretch to thin. .

kenny said...

i think that ECPI should add a laptop to each students tuition because it would help a lot of people out, because some of are work we have to finish at home and some students do not have a computer at their house. How do you expect students to work at home with no computer. Some students can not afford a computer because they have other bills they have to pay to survive. those students that have no computer at home could go to the public library to finish their work but some students have no time for that because they have a job they have to go to or they have a family they have to take care of. So if ECPI added a laptop to are tuition i believe it would help a lot of students out.